Add Me To Search: Steps To Create Your Google People Card

Ever wondered how celebrities appear in Google search results with detailed previews? Or are you searching for ways to make yourself discoverable on Google? This magic is made possible through Google’s “Add Me to Search” feature, and it’s not just for celebrities. Anyone can create their own virtual Google Search Card using this feature, and in this article, we’ll delve into the details of how to create, edit, and manage your profile card.

Understanding the Google People Card

Imagine your Google People Card as your digital business card. It’s a repository of essential information about you, including your name, description, phone number, website, social media links, and any other details you’d like people to know about you.

Whether you’re promoting your business or personal profile, having a People Card is a game-changer. It boosts your visibility on search engines and social media platforms, allowing more people to discover and learn about you.

With Google’s “Add Me to Search” feature, you can craft a digital profile, showcasing your interests, skills, and experiences to the world. Whether you’re an influencer, freelancer, job seeker, or employer, this online presence can enhance your reputation and expand your reach to your target audience.

Whenever someone Googles your name, your Google card appears. Initially, they’ll see a model displaying your name, location, and profession. But when they click on the module, the full card becomes visible.

Benefits of Having a People Card

Creating a People Card with Google’s “Add Me to Search” feature offers numerous advantages:

  1. Increase in Visibility: Getting noticed in search results can be challenging, especially for newcomers or those with common names. A profile card provides you with the opportunity to be discovered and expand your online presence. With an updated profile, brands and employers can quickly connect with you.
  2. Boost Your Professional Brand: Your profile card lets you build a strong professional profile, showcasing your skills and expertise. This can optimize your profile for relevant employers and expand your network.
  3. Showcase Your Accomplishments: Your Google card can serve as a portfolio to display your work and achievements, increasing your chances of being hired.
  4. Display Your Interests: Using the “Add Me to Search” link in your Google profile, you can display your interests, helping your connections and potential employers better understand your goals and aspirations.
  5. Improves Social Media Credibility: A Google People Card enables you to promote your social media profiles, enhancing the professionalism and credibility of your social media presence.
  6. Level Up Your Communication: Connecting with professionals in your field and staying in touch with your contacts expands your reach. You can also learn more about your industry and improve your job prospects. Your Google card allows you to easily connect and send updates to your network.
  7. Get Notified About Events: With a Google People Card, networking becomes more accessible. Stay updated about relevant events in your field and expand your industry connections.

Now that you’ve seen the benefits, you’re probably eager to add yourself to Google search. But before you do that, let’s go over the necessary details to create a credible profile card.

Requirements for Creating a Google Profile Card

Creating and updating a Google profile card is straightforward. To ensure people can find you easily, you’ll need the following information:

  1. Google Account Email: Your profile must be associated with an active Google account, whether it’s a G Suite account or a Gmail address. If you don’t have one, create an account using either option.
  2. Your Name and About: Include your full name and key details about yourself. You can also use relevant keywords to optimize your profile for search.
  3. Profile Picture: A recent, clear profile picture of yourself is essential.
  4. Location: Include your city/town and country to ensure an up-to-date profile card that’s easy for people to find.
  5. Job Title: Share information about your profession, whether you’re employed or self-employed.
  6. Links and Summary: Add relevant links to your social media profiles, blogs, or website. You can also include a summary highlighting your skills and qualifications to provide more context about yourself.

Now that you have the necessary details, the next step is to add yourself to Google search.

Steps to Create Your Google People Card

Step 1: Begin by entering the query “add me to search” in the Google search bar. After searching, you’ll see the option to create your people card at the top of the screen. Click on “Get started” to begin crafting your card.

Step 2: Upload a professional picture of yourself. Click “Add profile picture” from your desktop or mobile device and upload the image. You can crop it to your liking and select “Set as profile photo” when you’re done.

Step 3: Fill in your basic information, which includes your name, location, about section, and occupation. Ensure this information is up-to-date to enhance your discoverability.

Step 4: After completing the basic info section, you’ll have the option to add additional information. This is optional, and you can include details about your work, education, hometown, website, social profiles, email, and phone number. For social profiles, Google allows you to add links from various platforms.

Step 5: If you choose to use your phone number, verify it by entering your country and phone number. You’ll receive an OTP on your phone, which you should enter to proceed. If you prefer not to use your phone number, click “Not now.”

Step 6: Click on the “Preview” button at the bottom of the screen after saving your details. Review your information on the profile card, and if everything looks correct and up-to-date, select “Save.” Google will immediately index your card in search results.

You’re all set! You’ve successfully used the “Add me to search” feature to create your virtual business card. If you encounter issues like “add me to search not showing,” make sure to check and enable your web and app activity. Use your personal Google account and set your language to English.

Keep in mind that, for now, people in India, South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya can view your profile. While your card may not be visible to a global audience, it significantly boosts your online presence in these four countries.

Now that you know how to add yourself to Google search, let’s explore how to edit and remove details from your card.

Steps to Edit Google People Cards

Step 1: Open the Google search app and search for “edit my people card” while ensuring you’re signed in to your account.

Step 2: Once you’ve opened your card, tap on the top-right corner of your card and click “Edit.” You can now make changes to any information you want to update.

Step 3: After making the necessary changes, click “Preview” to review your edits. If all the information is accurate and up-to-date, save the changes, and they will be reflected on Google.

Steps to Remove Specific Information from Your People Card

If you want to remove specific information such as your phone number or email address from your profile card, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open your Google card and make sure you’re signed in to your account. Look for the “edit my people card” option.

Step 2: Delete the information from the phone number, email box, or any other detail you want to remove, leaving the space blank.

Step 3: Preview your information on the Google card. If you’re satisfied with how it looks and the unwanted information is gone, save your card. After your card goes live, search your name on Google to verify your updated profile card.

Steps to Delete Your Google People Card

If you want to delete your entire Google card instead of specific information, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open your browser and visit the “Add Me to Search – Google” link. Click on the edit option in the top corner of your screen.

Step 2: Scroll down until you reach the “Edit” section. You’ll see the option to “Remove my search card from Google.”

Step 3: Click on the “Delete” button to remove your Google card from the search.

If you ever need to create a new profile card, follow the steps outlined for creating a Google People Card. This allows you to create a new card quickly.

Guidelines to Make the Most Out of Your People Card

Having a “My Search Card” can significantly enhance your online presence and help you promote your brand or personal profile. To maximize its effectiveness, follow these guidelines:

Use Authentic Information: Your profile card represents you, so ensure all information is authentic. Whether it’s personal details or professional information, maintain credibility. If Google detects a mismatch between your profile and actual information, it may remove your card.

Always Update Your Google Card: Regularly updating your card is crucial to its effectiveness. If your profession or contact details change, update them promptly to ensure relevant people can connect with you. Also, maintain a clear and recognizable profile photo. Redundant information can hinder your discoverability, so ensure your card is updated regularly to prevent Google from removing it.

Keep it Professional: Maintain professionalism in your profile card. Avoid using vulgar or inappropriate language, and refrain from self-promotion using terms like “best,” “affordable,” or “top-quality.” Keep your card straightforward to facilitate meaningful connections.

In Conclusion

By leveraging the “Add Me to Google Search” feature, you can easily create your Google People Card. This card is a powerful tool for building and enhancing your online presence. With updated information, relevant individuals in your field can connect with you, increasing your networking opportunities and job prospects. So, make the most of your profile card and put your best foot forward.