MAILREVIEW Google Workspace Addon



0/5 (out of 0 reviews ) | 📥 7 installs | 💲 N/A

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the rating of the MAILREVIEW?

The MAILREVIEW has a rating of 0 out of 5 based on 0 reviews.

2. How many active users does the MAILREVIEW have?

The MAILREVIEW has a user base of 7 active users.

3. What is the cost of the MAILREVIEW?

The cost of the MAILREVIEW is N/A.

4. How to download the MAILREVIEW?

To install MAILREVIEW follow the below step:

  1. Visit the following link: MAILREVIEW
  2. Click on the “Install” button located on the right side of the page.
  3. A prompt will appear requesting access permissions for the addon. Review the permissions requested
    and click on the “Continue” button.
  4. If prompted, choose the Google account associated with your Google Workspace or Gmail account that
    you want to use with the addon.
  5. Review the permissions again and click on the “Allow” button to grant the necessary permissions.
  6. The installation process will begin, and you’ll see a progress indicator.
  7. Once the installation is complete, you’ll see a confirmation message indicating that the MAILREVIEW
    addon has been successfully installed to your account.
  8. You can now access the addon. The specific steps to use the addon will depend on its functionality.
    Refer to the addon’s documentation or instructions provided by the developer for guidance on how to
    use it effectively.

Top Keywords that are used in the MAILREVIEW addon’s description :

Keyword Count
via 4
types 3
collect 2
nps 2
scores 2
feedback 2
particular 2
view 2
csv 2
file 2
mailreviewio 2
contact 2
Keyword Count
nps scores 2
feedback types 2
csv file 2
contact via 2
mailreview automatically 1
automatically compose 1
compose emails 1
emails collect 1
collect surveys 1
surveys reviews 1
reviews nps 1
scores product 1
Keyword Count
mailreview automatically compose 1
automatically compose emails 1
compose emails collect 1
emails collect surveys 1
collect surveys reviews 1
surveys reviews nps 1
reviews nps scores 1
nps scores product 1
scores product service 1
product service option 1
service option collect 1
option collect feedback 1

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